Industries spend 48% of their marketing budget on digital marketing

Industries spend 48% of their marketing budget on digital marketing

Digitalization of marketing

The digitization of marketing in the industry sector has reached 48 points out of 100 according to the latest Evercom study, in collaboration with the Marketing Association of Spain and Random Strategy. To carry out the study, communication directors of large national companies operating in the industrial sector have been consulted and they must face the challenges posed by the new digital media. There are 4 indexes that have been taken into account to carry out the study.

Digital Activity Index: number of digital tools used by companies (located at 65%).
Index of Investment in Digital Marketing: budget destined to digital marketing (41%).
Expectations Index: how much is expected to grow (44%).
Attitudinal Index: attitude to the digital challenge (42%).

The average of these four subindices in the industrial sector shows a percentage of 48%, compared to 43% overall.
The importance of the CEO

In the current scenario, the CEO as a leading figure in decision-making is gaining more strength than ever. In terms of digitalization processes, this figure is based on concentrating leadership in modernization functions, especially in relation to marketing strategies.

Only 36% of the companies that operate in the industrial sector consider that the resources allocated to their digital strategy are insufficient. This percentage is doubled in the general index, which shows greater satisfaction in this sector compared to the total invested.
Challenges and new marketing strategies

Digital transformation also modifies the business, relationship and communication models. We are going through a period of transition in which traditional communication models still cohabit with new methods whose objective is to take advantage of the digital environment. In order to make the most of the opportunity offered by the new media, there must be a commitment on the part of the board of directors and of the entire team that works in the company.
Bridging the gap

74% of the executives surveyed in the marketing digitalization study say they are well informed about the tools and developments in the sector, but only 12% consider that they are taking advantage of the opportunity they offer.

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